On 24th October 2018, the EU Election Exploratory Mission (ExM) had a meeting with the leaders of the National Peace Committee (NPC) at the Committee’s Secretariat, The Kukah Centre, Abuja. The meeting focused on areas of collaboration between the NPC and ExM on free, fair and credible elections in 2019. The ExM team was led by His Excellency, Ketil Karlsen, the EU Ambassador to Nigeria, with other members including Torress-Lacasa (Policy Officer), Hannah Roberts (Electoral Expert) and Nicolay Paus (EU Exploratory Mission). The National Peace Committee was represented by His Excellency, Commodore Ebitu Ukiwe, former Chief of General Staff and Vice Chairman, NPC, Fr. Atta Barkindo, PhD, Head of NPC Secretariat and Mr. Duke Anoemuah, the Project Officer.